74th Plenary Meeting – Singapore

SMDG e.V. > Plenary Meetings > 74th Plenary Meeting – Singapore

17. – 19. September 2019

SMDG would like to thank SMDG#74 Host CMA CGM for the historic meeting that brought a record of 74 attendees for 35 companies, 60% of the world tonnage, 30% of the world terminal capacity, and 40% of the world development capacity together.


Executive Summary

SMDG e.V. activities in 2019

  • After re-foundation the association’s statutes, were approved at 17.Dec. 2018 by German authorities. In early 2019 all due taxes and commercial authorities’ numbers for all operational activities have been received.
  • Change of board members and board structure. Mr Touzot resigned from his position of secretary general SMDG e.V. He will be replaced by the extension of the board from 5 to 10 members comprising chairs of the working groups.
  • The plenary expressed a recommendation to review the needs for a consolidation of the current terminal codes lists in order to service 100% of the needs within the digital logistic supply chain. It might become sensible to establish a common project together with parties requiring standardization of the Terminal Code List on performing and funding the necessary efforts. The board shall consult with the concerned requestors and potential supporting parties for activities to be taken.
  • Next meeting will be announced by December for spring 2020 and later for fall 2020. It is the intention to organize meetings alternating in Europe and Asia.
  • The updated meeting format: long plenary sessions up to 2 hours and not less than 1 hour, split of working groups enabled the attendees of the SMDG Plenary#74 for a deep dive in the details.

Keynote Sessions

  • In his introductory welcome Bruis van Driel, chairman of SMDG e.V., advised all attendees to abstain from disclosure of commercial information in presentations and discussions. Information exchange shall be restrained to purely technical and pre-competitive information.
  • Welcome notes from Ann-Christin Fröhmcke, project manager, CMA CGM, Highlighting the importance of Asia and coordination between the different stakeholders
  • The keynote speech from Klaus-Peter Barth, HPC-Hamburg made a recap of the historical initiatives by the industry to build necessary and efficient standards. SMDG was highlighted as the oldest one as funded firstly in the 1980´s. 
    A call for smart collaboration and financing from the latest initiatives such as Tradelens, Traxens and Digital Container Shipping Association to SMDG paradigm and scope was made to underline the critical need for the industry to professionalise core tasks such as Data Management Requests, Messages Implementation Guides, and most of all Terminal location codes, Operator codes and handling codes
  • The keynote presentation of CyberLogitec on CARA demonstrated the added values of collaborations and multi-stakeholder cargo flow management platforms was given.
  • Sue Probert, Chair of UNCEFACT gave a keynote speech  on the efforts for data standardisation in international Trade. 
    The Historic of Shipping standards was fully described through the business case of the Multi-Modal Transport (MMT) model that manage structure of trade and transport data and coordinates it. It represents one of the most powerful means of trades should it be used adequately either in EDI or web/APIs, IoT; etc. In addition, the Business Requirement Specification methodology was also exposed as optimum on the standardisation methodology process from user story to document definition for robust standard solutions
    Please find the links of the important documents presented by Sue ProbertDAD3- SMDG #74-20190919 UNCEFACT – SP.pdf

More Meeting Highlights:

  • Technical Stream Subgroupsachieved a great work within the extended plenary session
  • Webservices brilliantly presented by Tamme Bohlen. Delegates’ feedback positive on the standard expressed and proof of concept were exposed. The working group is now in a position to publish and implement the first web services standards on schedule, in alignment with the UN/CEFACT and the DCSA..
  • Code lists updates for terminal, liners, and handlings were presented.
  • BAPLIE, MOVINS, IFTMBF, IFTSAI, TPFREP: more than 21 DMRs were submitted from SMDG to UN/CEFACT for publication in D.19B directory.
  • The Business Process streams including Business best practices and certifications (GEFEG), presented impressive work coming to maturity.
  • A new subgroup active in RO/RO- Con/RO has been installed.

Special acknowledgement

We would like to thank

  • HPC Hamburg for their second to none help in the time provided by its employees to SMDG#74
  • Shin Shin Lung for her great professional work managing all marketing items for SMDG e.V. #74 before and during the events. This made a big difference for the association resulting to the biggest historical attendance.
  • SMDG would like to acknowledge Yoshi Kito and Jost Müller for 2 decades of contribution.
  • SMDG would like to acknowledge Hapag-Lloyd for the 2010´s Digital decade award in recognition of the work of: Wolf Retzko, Michael Schröder, Tamme Bohlen in the field of SMDG for the management of various EDIFACT messages, Codes and new EDI technologies. Hapag-Lloyd through the activities of Wolf, Michael and Tamme have exhibited second to none promotion in innovation and efficiency.
  • SMDG would like to acknowledge CMA CGM, Ann-Christin Fröhmcke and Julien Vangeon for bringing the SMDG meeting to Asia, first time in 16 years.




74th Agenda 174th Agenda 274th Agenda 3




74th Participants 174th Participants 274th Participants 3


WebservicesWebservices latest work was presented.
The aim of SMDG e.V. is to synchronise this working groups and consolidate the webservices efforts with all initiatives created: UN/CEFACT, DCSA, INTTRA, …
All parties are welcome to join. First API/webservice created for schedule is available. All members are welcome to contact Tamme for information of SMDG and industry webservices and for webservice application.
Next step is to implement the API, gather more practical experience and to further align with DCSA and UN/CEFACT.
Tamme Bohlen,

Code ListsTerminal codes:
Methodology to emit codes is detailed and clarified. Beware to fulfill requests requirements for speed and cost of emission and publications. It is critical to have the contact person of the person in charge on the terminal sides especially for 3rd party requests. Discussion on potential payment for the effort on handling bulk request.

Next step: elaborate the path forward to structure the process to allow for 100% terminal reference for all sea (?and river terminals?) in midterm. (within 3 years)

Operator codes:
Please check your operator requests and make sure that its is one of the scac codes already in use by the liner for the container number. This avoids lists “fake” duplicate, between different referential.

Handling codes:
SMDG will create 3 new Code lists: Handling Instructions, Stowing Instructions and Attribute Codes. SMDG will leave the JM4 list for FTX Codes as is, because it may be used by other stakeholders in the transport sector. SMDG will however transfer JM4 handling codes to the SMDG Handling Code List, to be used in that list.

SMDG will prepare DMRs in order to be able to use the Attribute segment in affected messages.
Jasmin Drönner,

Mark Lim,

Sönke Witt,

Arthur Touzot,
Presentation 3

Presentation 4

Presentation 5
Vessel Schedule
New version IFTSAI 3.0 is in work, based on D.19B.
All changes were approved by UN/CEFACT, for details see the PPT presentation.
MIG is in work in the IFTSAI subgroup.

Since the latest publication, following enhancements were agreed by the SMDG:
1) Enhancements added on D.13B
• Include possible feeder connections
• Add Partner Lines (Co-Loaders)
2) Enhancements added on D.17A
• new qualifiers for cut-off times in the DTM
3) Enhancements added on D.17B
• include connecting vessels for both pre-carriage and on-carriage, with their vessel/voyage/ports/ETD resp. ETA
4) Enhancements added on D.18A
• Two new qualifiers in the DTM for “estimated arrival at Pilot” and “actual arrival at Pilot”
5) Enhancements planned on D.19B
• Reporting the “Transport Service Code” (Loop) in the TDT segment.

At the SMDG meeting in SIN following items were decided:

• SMDG Carrier Code List is mandatory, not optional

• use RFF+ATZ for Call Reference ID - not RFF+CRN

• For Service code or Name: use the new enhancement of the TDT segment. Await D.19B for
this reason. Do not use FTX+AUY as formerly discussed.

• >> new CODE LIST needed for Delay Reason Codes! Michael Schröder presented a draft
which should be rolled out at the SMDG website in time to be used for the IFTSAI.

• > DE8179 both codes for "Feeder" and "Ocean vessel" needed? The NAVIS TOS requires
this differentiation.

• However, the IFTSAI will not distinguish, because it is not needed and would lead to

• > SG11 NAD mention the word Co-Loader also (or just VSA Partner?)

• Yes, and also the terms “Slot Charter or consortia partner line” currently in the MIG can be used.

• Ø use LOC+153 for port of call

• The new MIG version should be published still this year, based on D.19B. Robèrt from ECT
and Michael from Hapag are working on it.
Michael Schröder,

Robèrt Roestenburg,
Rotterdam World Gateway
Presentation 6

Terminal Performance Reporting
New version 4.1 is in work.
All changes were approved by UN/CEFACT, details on the PPT presentation.
MIG is in work in the TPFREP subgroup.
The new MIG version should be published still this year, based on D.18A. Michael will distribute a draft to the work group for review.

Summary of changes:

1. Identify TPFREP Light

2. BGM function codes

3. Vessel Timesheet

4. Landside power supply

5. Crane hours in overtime

6. Reporting of Lashing Equipment

7. Separately report DG, OOG and Reefer containers

8. Generic container size type

9. Type of Move for Cabotage

10. Restow Reasons
Michael Schröder,
Presentation 7
RoRo/ ConRoNew sub group was introduced: User stories were detailed by Arthur Touzot HPC-Hamburg and Henrik Monberg, Kockumation.
Although absent in the meeting, Stefano Ottonello (MSC) has been elected to become chair of the subgroup.

The paradigm is to enable industrialisation and automation of RORO- ConRo by transferring container EDI and data model technology to RORO-ConRo utilisation.
For the time being, as demonstrated, the cargo mixed managemenet can only be managed with 3,0 updates. Further effort is required on Container- cargo messages, Cxxxxx like COPRAR to enable phase out of xsd load lists and standardisation.
Same elements for the stow position and bayplan adaptability between, container, container on Mafi, breakbulk, cars, or mobile assets
Arthur Touzot,
HPC Hamburg
Presentation 8
DG Booking between Carriers
The initiative for an improved Implementation Guide is driven by MSC, Michael Peeters since 2018. The new MIG is currently at version 5.13

It is still work in progress, but already adapted by several carriers as shown in the presentation. The MIG has been distributed by MSC. The initiative is welcome by the carriers and by the SMDG.

Next steps:
- Two-day carrier workshop in Hamburg 15 and 16 October 2019 to address topics on below list
- Based on workshop decisions, MSC will develop and distribute MIG version 5.14. This will be the last version of the MSC MIG.
- Then the MIG will be taken over by the SMDG. It will be aligned with SMDG publication standards and will eventually be published on SMDG website.
- SMDG will align with the DCSA on future authority over this process.

Topics for the workshop:

> Standardize Transshipments scenarios (one container on two connecting partner vessels)
> Roll over scenarios (cancel+ new original, or update)
> Function usage: NEW, UPDATE, REPLACE and CANCEL (focus Update versus Replace)
> Cancellations of containers / Bookings (cancel confirmations via IFTMBC)
> CVL (EXIS coded variant list)integration in EDI as alternative to IMDG suffix
> Shipper, consignee and stuffing contractor information in IFTMBF ?
> Whitelisting of shippers on cargo level (co-load scenarios) ?
> Exception/error handling
> Follow up on pending requests
> Use of MDN messages (acknowledgement on AS2 connection level)
> ACCEPTED / FINALIZED / REJECTED booking status definition
> Emergency information in IFTMBF (provider name optional?)
> Slot Charter/Co-Loader scenario: Process flow Container operator => Slot Operator => Vessel Operator
> Cargo + Container temperature reporting in IFTMBD>
> Partner Voyage Number reporting
> Multiple bookings in one request
Action Party
t.b.n. MSC

Michael Schröder,

Julien Vangeon,
Presentation 9
Container MessagesThe working group is reviewing all Cxxxxx messages and consolidates deviations and best practices of uses for the container messages and the 95B or the 00B.

Best practices for all EDI messages exchanged between carrier and terminal considering Edifact directories 95.B or 00.B up to the latest 19.A directoriy.
Presentation of a draft for an according SMDG Recommendation#6.
Paul Wauters,
PSA Antwerp

Julien Vangeon,
Presentation 12
Vessel Planning

Review of best practices process and utilisation of COPRAR, BAPLIE and MOVINS in vessel planning. Advantages in using version 3 of BAPLIE and MOVINS. (safety, security, accuracy, specials: OOG, DG, reefers, breakbulk, etc.)

Preview of Movins V3 MIG; Application of GEFEG-SMDG EDI validation platform
Jost Müller,
Presentation 13
Inter Carrier CommunicationThe working group itemized the main EDI formats used between Carriers-liners companies.
It addressed code alignments, naming definition, process management, VSA partners, multi-terminal calls for the subjects of DG bookings, special cargo acceptance, forecasts, vessel schedules, stow confirmation, terminal performance.

Next step is to develop the best practice and promote in official documentation (MIG, recommendation) and apply them in carrier environment by members.
Ann Christin Fröhmcke,

Michael Schröder,
Presentation 14

GEFEG/SMDG Validation Plattform
Presention of the capabilities of the standardization tool GEFEG FX and the GEFEG/SMDG validation portal. The presentation partly took place in collaboration with presentations on Container Messages and BAPLIE/MOVINS.

Among other features this tool provides for definition of standards including EDIFACT and XML messages and code lists, reference data models, core component library, etc. SMDG uses this tool for definition and maintenance of EDIFACT message implementation guides (MIGs). It verifies MIGs' compliance with the underlying UN/EDIFACT directory and allows for generation of MIG documents.

GEFEG/SMDG Validation Portal
This portal allows to verify submitted Edifact messages for compliance with its MIG. It is used by the community as valueable tool during implementation of new messages and message versions and arbitration in correctness of messages.
Tayfun Mermer,
Presentation 10


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