75th Plenary meeting – Virtual

SMDG e.V. > Plenary Meetings > 75th Plenary meeting – Virtual
25. January 2021

The 75th SMDG Plenary Meeting took place as a virtual session on 25. Jan. 2021.
It was attended by 40  participants which contributed valuable feedback on the presented items.


75th Meeting Agenda


SMDG Code Lists-Jasmin Drönner,
Chair of SMDG Code Lists
Working Group
-Jost Müller,
Chair SMDG
Terminal Code List
-Mark Lim,
Co-Chair SMDG Code List Working Group
SMDG Cooperation with DCSA, BIC, UN/CEFACT, PROTECT-Michael Schröder,
Terminal Performance Report
-Michael Schröder,
Code List Working Group
-Sönke Witt,




Monday, 25th of January 2021, 10:00 CET – 12:00 CET

2020 has been a very special year in which we were not able to meet you face to face during our plenary annual meeting. Our SMDG members have worked together throughout 2020 and in order to keep you updated on the very latest, we are hosting an online event on the 25th of January.

The working groups will present the current status of their activities and you will also have the possibility to ask question, get into discussion with us.

Here is our agenda: 

Type  Subject  Overview  Lead  Time 
Intro  Agenda/ intro    Round Table, Meeting rules, Times, Q&A  Ann-Christin Fröhmcke 5 min 
  SMDG activity report  Organisation of Meetings, GA, outlook 2021
Session 1 SMDG Terminal Code List Status 09/2019 – 01/2021, overview work done Mark Lim 20 min 
  SMDG Code Lists
Handling and Attributes 
New codes since 2019, process request codes, communication ;  Smart Containers Sönke Witt 20 min
Session 2 BAPLIE/MOVINS  BAPLIEv2.3, BAPLIEv3.2, MOVINS Jost Müller  15 min 
  Container Messages  Container Messages Paul Wauters 15 min
  TPFREP  TPFREPv4.1 Michael Schröder 15 min
Session 3 Coop with other organizations   DCSA, BIC, UN/CEFACT, PROTECT Michael Schröder
Jost Müller
15 min
Q&A  Open discussion    Ann-Christin Fröhmcke 10 min 
Wrap up  Summary & next steps    Ann-Christin Fröhmcke 5 min 

We hope to see you online in our meeting, until then, have a very good end of 2020 and a healthy start into 2021.

People intending to join the meeting are asked to send an according email to secretariat@smdg.org and will receive an invitation including a meeting link.

The SMDG Team